
A warm Welcome!

 Hello, namaste, Bonjour, Hola (too filmy right?) Greetings to everyone stumbling upon this blog by an amateur. I can surely say (and as you can see) that I dont have a knack for writing but I ll try my best to at least unravel my thoughts in front of you in the best way possible (this is the case when i unravel them myself :-), kidding! ). Consider me a jack of all and master of none. who has alot on her plate and loves to explore every aspect of this universe. you all must have figured out that I am kind of an artist. more of a person who has a love for creativity. I love to take photos through my eyes (sometimes with my not so expensive DSLR too lol), I write or fancy my feelings just to give myself the honor of a full time artist (yeh taufa humne khud ko dia hai!), I cook (better than my mom😎) , I sketch and what not.  So through this blog you ll see everything through my perspective or through my vision as the blog name says. Its just a small effort hope you guys like it!  will k